Ramblings of a Brit girl living in Sydney

Everyday musings on life in the Motherland vs. life in Oz

Monday, March 2, 2009

Call this politics?!

This is more for the benefit of those of you back home, as everyone in Australia is already either laughing at or outraged by the current political 'battle' in the Queensland State Government. For the uneducated, Queensland is where Brisbane and the Gold Coast are and its residents don't have the best rep in terms of being classy or refined (I know several exceptions, before you turn on me, QLD friends!). Hence this photo isn't doing that reputation any favours. This guy is former Aussie Rules footballer Warwick Capper, who is fighting it out for the Beaudesert seat against Pauline Hanson, a former federal MP who last night had a complete meltdown on national television when a journalist dared to ask her a difficult question about electoral funding.
That's what's making the headlines, but I find Warwick much more amusing. Not only is he sponsored by men's magazine Zoo, which is allegedly paying for the bikini girls, he calls himself Australia's answer to Paris Hilton. I won't even start on the fact that Hanson once said Australia was in danger of being "overrun by Asians". Yes seriously, in this century, in a democratic, civilised country. And you thought UK political scandal was bad?
Not surprisingly, Liberal National Party candidate Aidan McLindon is expected to win the seat.

1 comment:

  1. Did you hear he isn't running after all because he didn't register in time? What a douche...
